Thursday, August 30, 2018


1. Visit a retail store that sells designed goods
 - jewelry
 - clothing
 - appliances
 - furniture

2. Identify a specific item and the audience that is most likely being targeted. 

3. Name a few ways to modify the item so that it would appeal to a completely different age group and create a consumer profile for them.

4. Why do you feel these innovations will work?

5. Relate your findings to the class in a 5-minute PowerPoint presentation.

Presentation must include the following:
 - Introduction
 - Pictures of the store you visited and location
 - The initial targeted market
 (a picture of who she or he might be)

  • Remember the target market for the product has one identity only and does not include everybody. Be very specific - you can even give her or him a name.

     - The changed/altered target market - again, be very specific and give them a name
     - Reasons for the innovation i.e. change in design or color
     - Conclusion

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