Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Marketing Plan/Logo

Here is where we bring it all together.  Answer each of the questions in the following grid to create a Marketing Plan and Logo for your FASHION BRAND - based on the inspiration board and what we have learned in class.

Target Market 
-          My ideal customer is:

Positioning Statement 
-          My reason for existence

Offering to customers 
-          What sets my business apart from the rest:
-          What’s most important to my ideal customer when they are buying what I’m selling:
-          What will trigger my ideal customer to think of me:

Price Strategy
-     What is my price point?

- Where will I sell my products?

Sales Strategy

Service Strategy
- Will I offer services with my products?
- What are the expectations of my employees?

Promotion Strategy
- How will people find me?
- How will I let people know about me?

Marketing Research 
- How will I conduct research for my product?
- Create Likert Scale for current and future lines.

Any other component of your marketing plan

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